50 Years of Race Relations Legislation: Has it made a difference? 26.05.16
A landmark event in association with The Law Society and sponsored by Linklaters.
It is just over 50 years since race relations legislation was introduced in 1965 to address racial discrimination. The Act was strengthened by the Race Relations Act 1968 and repealed by the Race Relations Act 1976. To mark the occasion, the Law Society and the Society of Asian Lawyers are organising an event on 26th May 2016 to look at what impact the legislation has had on ethnic minority communities in the UK.
Date, time and venue
Thursday 26th May 2016, 6.15 – 10.00pm
The Common Room, The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL.
18.15 – 19.00 Registration and refreshments
19.00 – 20.00 Presentations
20.00 – 21.00 Q & A to the panel and audience contributions
21.00 – 22.00 Refreshments and networking
- Jo Sidhu QC (Chair), President, Society of Asian Lawyers
- Professor Kurt Barling, former BBC news special correspondent and author of The ‘R’ Word: Racism
- Karon Monaghan QC, leading expert at Matrix Chambers on Equality & Discrimination Law
- Claude Moraes, MEP, chairman of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee and former Director of JCWI
Why attend?
The UK is one of the most diverse countries in the world. To protect, support and promote this diversity, our civil society is underpinned by equality legislation. Many would argue that despite race relations legislation, racial discrimination still persists. This is highlighted by the under representation of BAME people in employment, under-performance in education and the emergence of new strains of racism. This event will put the spotlight on what, if any, impact race relations legislation has had on the Black and Asian experience in the UK. Our high profile speakers will analyse and unpick 50 years of race relations and share with the audience their perspective of its impact. Following the formal session, there will be an important opportunity for attendees to network and build new professional relationships.
This event is aimed at the following:
• Legal professionals
• Law students
• Academics
• Those who have an interest in promoting a more diverse profession and society
This event is free to attend, please e-mail: secretary@societyofasianlawyers.co.uk to book your place.