The Future of Legal Services – The Review
The Future of Legal Services event, held in association with LinkiLaw, on 24th March 2016 at The Law Society sported an exceptional panel comprising of: Robert Bourns, Vice-President of The Law Society; Nadeem Thanvi, partner at ITN Solicitors; James Naylor, Partner at CG Naylor LLP; Mark Edwards, Vice-President and General Manager of Rocket Lawyer UK and Sunita Mason CBE, District Judge.
Over 70 members attended the event and were addressed on topics ranging from outcomes from The Law Society’s own report into the delivery and changes within the legal services industry to implementing technology in the delivery of those services. Topics such as access to the law and how courts are adapting were also covered. With legal services valued at £7bn being delivered outside of SRA regulations – the value of regulation itself was touched upon. With questions from the audience the impact of a Brexit was discussed especially bearing in mind London’s position as a financial, legal and technological hub. Overall, all panelists agreed that focusing on the quality of legal advice, making sure it is delivered in an appropriate way to meet the needs of your client and seen from a client perspective, being ready to make changes and being flexible and embracing technology were important factors in staying relevant. Audience questions on whether the legal professions should be “fused” lead to discussion on training requirements and how the legal professions’ professional development requirements could embrace skills based training and learn from each other.
The event received excellent reviews from the delegates in attendance and SAL hopes to continue to organise relevant events which our members can benefit from. For those who were unable to attend, we will be uploading the entire event for viewing online in due course. If you have any thoughts on which of the topics you would like to have covered at future events, please contact us by email:
Finally, we wish to thank all of our panellists who gave up their time to take part and to our sponsors, Linkilaw for their assistance in making this event such a huge success.