50 Years of Race Relations Legislation: Has it made a difference?
8th December 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the first piece of race relations legislation in the United Kingdom. It was a defining moment for the movement towards equality of race. However, 50 years on can this still be said to hold true?
On 26th May 2016, Society of Asian Lawyers in collaboration with The Law Society and sponsored by Linklaters organised a panel of prominent speakers to discuss whether progression continues or if a dynamic of racial discrimination remains.
Karon Monaghan QC, Claude Moraes MEP and Professor Kurt Barling captivated the audience with their persuasive arguments on the current state of race relations. The consensus was that while progress had been made there was still work to be done and that this was an area of legislation that may need to be revisited.
The conference proved a success with over 160 attendees including students, policy makers, campaigners, academics and legal practitioners.
The conference was followed by drinks and canapes and an opportunity to network.
A video of the event will be available on this website shortly.