Dozens of Asian Lawyers say they have been mistaken for Defendants, by Court staff, despite being dressed in a suit.
The Guardian publishes SAL’s findings. Racism still exists in the legal profession. Click title above to read. [Photocapture from the Guardian]
Race to the Top – A Review
Racism exists in the legal profession. To address methods to tackle discrimination the Society of Asian Lawyers (SAL) held an online event on 21 September 2020. Read the review here in full.
Race to the Top – 21.09.2020
Race discrimination still exists in the legal profession. Society of Asian Lawyers exists to help members realise their goals and break glass ceilings. We want to know your experiences and what your Chambers/Firms/Employers are doing to address these. We will run a series of online anonymised polls on zoom to understand what prejudices you may have faced in your career.