Institutional racism laid bare: the fight for Justice for Shukri continues

The body of 12 year old Shukri Abdi was found in the River Irwell in Bury, in June 2019. A group of children were with her at the river before she died. The case is shrouded with allegations of bullying at school and police failings. Attiq Malik explores the issue of institutional racism.
Racial Discrimination & Mental Health – 25.11.20 – A Review

At this event, held in collaboration with the SRA, we explored how racial discrimination in the workplace can impact one’s mental health. We also discussed coping strategies. Read more here.
World Mental Health Day 2020 – a BAME perspective

Mental Health Day from the perspective of lawyer from an ethnic minority background. Click title to read more.
Honour Killing – an update

Honour killing and honour violence remain devastating issues in Asian and Minority Communities in the UK. Barrister, Lynne Townley looks at the true story of Banaz Mahmoud (recently dramatised by ITV) who was killed by her own family to restore their honour. Click the title to read more.
Do black lives matter in the employment justice system?

Mukhtiar Singh, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers, argues that public confidence can be increased in the employment justice system if tribunal judges were antiracist. Click the title to read more.
Advocating a New Way of Working

Trevor Sterling encourages us to look at a new way of working in the new normality, thinking about “conscious unbias” instead of “unconscious bias”. Pls click the title to read more.
Charities Must Look Within To Address Systemic and Structural Racism.

Remy Mohamed identifies ways to begin tackling systemic and structural racism in the charitable sector. Remy worked as a criminal defence lawyer for many years before moving into the third sector. Click the title to read more.
Dozens of Asian Lawyers say they have been mistaken for Defendants, by Court staff, despite being dressed in a suit.

The Guardian publishes SAL’s findings. Racism still exists in the legal profession. Click title above to read. [Photocapture from the Guardian]
Race to the Top – A Review

Racism exists in the legal profession. To address methods to tackle discrimination the Society of Asian Lawyers (SAL) held an online event on 21 September 2020. Read the review here in full.
Personal Reflections on New Initiatives to Address Diversity and Inclusion at Coutts

Alex Liddle, Managing Director at Coutts, shares some of his own thoughts on the initiatives introduced by the wealth manager and private bank to improve inclusion, diversity and equality. Many of these initiatives might be appropriate for law firms. Of particular interest is the top down / bottom up approach adopted and the bank’s commitment to psychological safety in the workplace, and how these have worked in practice.