Winter Social – 27th February 2019 – Balls Brothers, London

Come and join us at our first event of 2019, the Winter Social on Wednesday 27th February 2019 at Balls Brothers, Bury Court, 38 St. Mary Axe, London EC3A 8EX.

100 Years of Women in Law

This year marks the centenary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919, which finally removed the restriction on women qualifying as barristers or solicitors. Not only will the Society of Asian Lawyers celebrate this great milestone, but with your help, the committee will continue to push forward with its campaign for greater diversity, inclusion and equal treatment of legal professionals.

Diversity & the Judiciary, Manchester – 15.11.18

Come and listen to an esteemed panel of judges share their experiences of how they became judges. You will also receive invaluable tips and guidance. An unmissable event for all aspiring judges.

The 24th Annual Asian Legal Awards – 27th October 2018 – Honouring Legal Excellence

Society of Asian Lawyers is proud to present The 24th Annual Asian Legal Awards on Saturday 27th October 2018 at The Royal Lancaster Hotel, Nine Kings Suite, Lancaster Terrace, London W2 2TY.

Race to the top

The Society of Asian Lawyers welcomed members in the North of England on 17th October 2018 to attend an SRA-led discussion on increasing BAME access to – and progression within – the legal profession. Read the full review here.

Can We Legally Stop Britons Buying Kidneys on Asia’s Black Markets?

The World Health Organisation estimates 10,000 illegal transplants are conducted around the world annually. Inadequate law enforcement, a shortage of legitimate donors and the greater financial incentive provided by foreign buyers continue to fuel human organ black markets in developing countries, but what can we do about it in the UK? Read about this fascinating topic in this blog written by Chamali Fernando.

Women in leadership in law

In September 2018, SAL women participated in a round table discussion with The Law Society on Women in Leadership in Law. Read more about this initiative launched by The Law Society here.

‘Become a QC’ – 15th June 2018 – A Review

SAL teamed up with the Association of Women Barristers (AWB) to host a brilliant discussion on the route to silk at the offices of the General Council of the Bar. Read the full review here.

Network to Success – 27.04 – A huge success!

SAL returned to Birmingham with their popular networking/social event: “Network to Success”. It proved to be a very successful evening with many members old and new, coming together and creating a fantastic atmosphere in the heart of Birmingham.

Diversity & the Judiciary, Birmingham – 27.04.18

Although slow and steady progress has been made in recent years, only 7% of judges in the UK are from a BAME background. In order to address this under representation and following the success of a similar event in London in London 2017, SAL hosted an event in Birmingham to seek to inspire its members to think about a career in the judiciary.